Deliver Railway Pads anywhere in the world
to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and more than 10 CIS countries
- We issue certificates of origin of goods of the form ST-1, general form
- We fully carry out customs clearance
- We will help with the financing of export contracts
Weight 1piece,kg.
Price with VAT
ГОСТ 32649-20146,2161112 478 руб. / 1тн.
ГОСТ 32649-20146,5154112 478 руб. / 1тн.
ГОСТ 16277-939,7104140000 руб. / 1тн.
ГОСТ 32649-20147,22143112 478 руб. / 1тн.
ГОСТ 32649-20147,66130138000 руб. / 1тн.
ГОСТ 16277-936,85146135000 руб. / 1тн.
ГОСТ 16277-936,85146140000 руб. / 1тн.
ГОСТ 32649-20148,4411880 000 руб. / 1тн.
320 руб. / шт.